sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

Photo-reviewing: Shadows of War MULA

Here you have the latest Achtung…wait a minute! There is not going to be anything new from Achtung! Cthulhu until September right? Yes, that is true, but I decided to take advantage of my sudden interest in WWII to get one of the few books written about the subject for CoC, the MULA Shadows of War. Here you have a few pictures of it.

The cover:

The back:

The index: 

The introductory page of the first adventure:

There is an story taking place during the Spanish Civil War:

And another one taking place on 1952, so there are only two WWII adventures.

The book is sparsely illustrated, but pictures are not bad:

Although most of the pages are very simple:

All adventures come with pregenerated characters with an extensive background:

Obviously I still need to read it to judge it properly, but I think this is going to be my first and last physical MULA, the printed copy is just unimpressive.

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